Randy Mootooveran
October 8, 2017
Welcome to Planet Xeran- 242

Founded in the year 2124, Xeran is part of a collective cluster of systems called Inghormas . Contrary to popular belief, Xeran is not a moon. While its moon Anghara is quite large for a moon. Xeran was much bigger than it currently is. Due to its distance from its red dwarf sun, the climate is locked at subzero temperatures of 167 degrees below kelvin. Mostly rock on its surface, the planet often falls victim to passing asteroids and space debris given its large center of gravity. Damage is clearly visible with numerous craters along the surface. However, the mantle remains mostly unaffected by these impacts. Originally desolate, the planet is now host to an AI that survived the largest crater on Xeran- 242’s surface caused by a crashed space station. In this isolated and controlled environment, the AI has created a field that surrounds the crash site at an incubation- like temperature with oxygen and nitrogen levels at life sustaining levels. In it’s attempts to create life, the AI has mixed samples of human DNA with the microscopic organisms it found living inside the mantle in order to progress to a new stage of evolution. So far, it’s been successful creating giant blue brains with a scientists intelligence able to hover around and communicate with one another. They gather resources that lay within the mantle like minerals and water. Give it 5 years, and Xeran- 242 will have a sustainable atmosphere, benevolent alien assistants, and the beginnings of the population for a human colony.


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